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m (nlite upload via avrdude)
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Always keep low fuse at 0x7F or lower value to ensure that SPI programming is enabled. Values 0x80 or higher will lock the ATtiny13A and it could only be reset in other more complicated ways.
Always keep low fuse at 0x7F or lower value to ensure that SPI programming is enabled. Values 0x80 or higher will lock the ATtiny13A and it could only be reset in other more complicated ways.
=== nlite ===
<PRE style="white-space:normal;">avrdude -p t13 -c usbasp -u -Uflash:w:nlite.hex:a -Ulfuse:w:0x75:m -Uhfuse:w:0xFF:m</PRE>
nlite runs 4.8MHz clock, start up 14CK + 4ms, fast PWM at around 18kHz.
BLF-VLD uses phase correct PWM at 9kHz by default.

==Compile your own code==
==Compile your own code==