Sunwayman is based in China, formerly known as Sunwayled. They previously manufactured lights for other companies, but now have their own line of lights.
Sunwayman lights use ANSI/NEMA FL-1 ratings for their lumens.
C10A - 1xAA 4-mode with Cree XP-G R5 and mode memory. Modes are selected by holding down the rear clicky with strobe available with a double-click. Output is 3, 30, and 130 lumens.
L10A - 1xAA 4-mode angle light with Cree XR-E R2 LED. Switch is mounted on top of the L. Change modes with a double-click, press and hold for strobe. Output levels are 3, 30, and 130 lumens.
L10C - 1xCR123A 4-mode angle light with Cree XR-E R2 LED. Switch is mounted on top of the L. Change modes with a double-click, press and hold for strobe. Output levels are 4, 20, and 190 lumens.
M10A - 1xAA 4-mode forward clicky with a magnetic selector ring at the bezel. With a Cree XP-G R5 the ouput levels are 4, 40, and 140 lumens plus strobe.
M10R - 1xCR123A 4-mode forward clicky with a magnetic selector ring at the bezel. With a Cree XR-E R2 the output levels are 4, 60, and 190 lumens plus strobe. With a Cree XP-G R5 the ouput levels are 4, 60, and 190 lumens plus strobe. Review: Selfbuilt
M20A - 2xAA 4-mode forward clicky with a magnetic selector ring at the bezel. With a Cree XP-G R5 the ouput levels are 4, 70, and 200 lumens plus strobe.
M20C - 2xCR123A/1x18650 4-mode forward clicky with a magnetic selector ring at the bezel. With a Cree XR-E R2 the output levels are 12, 40, and 240 lumens plus strobe. With a Cree XP-G R5 the output levels are 13, 50, and 280 lumens plus strobe. Review: Selfbuilt
M30A - 3xAA 4-mode forward clicky with a magnetic selector ring at the bezel. Batteries are bundled side-by-side in a carrier. With a Cree XR-E R2 the ouput levels are 7, 80, and 240 lumens. Strobe is 240 lumens.
M30R SST-50 - 3xCR123A 4-mode forward clicky with a magnetic selector ring at the bezel. Batteries are bundled side-by-side in a carrier. With a Luminus SST-50 LED the ouput levels are 13, 180, and 800 lumens. Strobe is 800 lumens.
M30A - 3xAA 4-mode forward clicky with a magnetic selector ring at the bezel. Batteries are bundled side-by-side in a carrier. With a Cree XR-E R2 the output levels are 7, 80, and 240 lumens. Strobe is 240 lumens.
M40A - 4xAA 4-mode with a magnetic selector ring at the bezel. Batteries held in a carrier side-by-side. With a Cree MC-E the output levels are 15, 150, and 500 lumens plus strobe. Unlike other M-series lights, there is no tail clicky and power is controlled only by the selector ring. Reviews: Selfbuilt, HKJ LumensReview
M40C - 4xCR123A/2x18650 6-mode forward clicky with a magnetic selector ring at the bezel. Batteries held in carrier 2 wide by 2 long. Around the outside of the reflector are a number of small 5mm red and blue LED's. There is a red low battery indicator light on the bezel. With a Cree MC-E LED the output levels are 45, 165, and 630 lumens. The other modes are red and blue light. Strobe is 800 lumens. Reviews: Selfbuilt, Light Reviews, HKJ
M60R SST-50 - 6xCR123A 4-mode forward clicky with a magnetic selector ring at the bezel. Batteries are bundled with 3 batteries side-by-side by 2 batteries long (can also run from 2 or 4 batteries with same output). With a Luminus SST-50 LED the ouput levels are 13, 180, and 800 lumens. Strobe is 800 lumens.
V10A - 1xAA forward clicky with Cree XP-G R5 and a variable selector ring for 1 to 210 lumens output (looks like the M10A, but does not have preset brightness levels). Introduced in December 2010.
V10R - 1xCR123A forward clicky with Cree XP-G R5 and a variable selector ring for 1 to 210 lumens output. Announced in December 2010. A titanium version was introduced at the same time.
V20A - 2xAA forward clicky with Cree XP-G R5 and a variable selector ring for 1 to 210 lumens output. Announced in December 2010.