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From Flashlight Wiki
Revision as of 10:38, 2 May 2012 by Brted (talk | contribs)
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Financially, the Flashlight Wiki is very inexpensive to host and operate. Therefore the best contribution is your own knowledge and work. Most of what is here is available elsewhere on the internet, so it is just a matter of putting information here that people might want to know regarding flashlights.

In general, if you are looking for something and can't find it, it might be good to add it. If you see something out of date, change it. If you have a suggestion, question, or think maybe a change to the page is warranted, just leave a note on that page's Discussion tab.

There are a lot of pages for flashlight manufacturers and these pages need constant updating to keep up with new flashlights, new versions of the same flashlight, and which flashlights are no longer being made.

I'd like to break the Chargers and Rechargeable pages up because they are pretty long. It might be good to divide them into NiMH and Lithium Ion pages.

Pages that need updating

Fenix, EagleTac, JETBeam, and 4Sevens are always hard to keep up with. I know there are a number of flashlights listed as "Current" that should really be "Past Lights".

SureFire is definitely out of date. The page is based on catalog from a couple of years ago.

ThruNite has some new models out that could be updated.

ZebraLight needs updating too.

Popular manufacturers that don't have pages


